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This flag will enable or disable translations on the shopping cart generated by the Store Builder Library.

Default value: false



Should the Font Awesome CSS be loaded or not.  If your site already includes Font Awesome, you can set the to false to use the existing CSS.

Default: true


Should we attempt to decorate the URLs with your Google Analytics?  Please note you need to have Google Analytics installed on the page for this to function correctly.

Default: false


Should the shopping cart templates be loaded or not?  

Default: true


What is the default cart type that should be used on the page.  

Default: modal

Acceptable Values: modal, modalsmall, left, right, bottom, topleft, topright, bottomleft, bottomright


On the Store Builder Library shopping cart should the promo code fields be displayed?  Note: promo code fields are not displayed on the topleft, topright, bottomleft and bottomright carts.

Default: true


The hex color value of the Store Builder Library shopping cart header background.

Default: #28a745


The hex color value of the Store Builder Library shopping cart header text.

Default: #ffffff


The class of the apply coupon button on the Store Builder Library shopping cart.

default: fastspring_btn fastspring_btn-success


The class of the checkout button on the Store Builder Library shopping cart.

default: fastspring_btn fastspring_btn-success


The class of the cross-sell add to cart buttons on the Store Builder Library shopping cart.

default: fastspring_btn fastspring_btn-success


The class of the up-sell add to cart button on the Store Builder Library shopping cart.

default: fastspring_btn fastspring_btn-success


The class of the eds add to cart button on the Store Builder Library shopping cart.

default: fastspring_btn fastspring_btn-success


The class of the continue shopping button on the Store Builder Library shopping cart.

default: fastspring_btn fastspring_btn-success


Should the mini cart notification be enabled on the page. 

Default: true